Worshipping with Love

Although Canada is a leader in 2SLGBTQ+ legislation, many people in different sectors of Canadian society still experience homophobia and transphobia. This has led to higher rates of suicide, addiction, and mental health issues in these communities. It has also led to higher rates of unemployment, hate crimes, and marginalization. 2SLGBTQ+ discrimination is often justified by religious belief by different faith traditions. Canada is currently at an important juncture: now that conversion therapy has been banned, other, more insidious and invisible efforts could take their place in faith-based communities to force individuals to repress their sexual and gender identity.

RFF is a leader in this new chapter of LGBTI activism. This chapter begins with Worshiping with Love, a project RFF developed to create a safer place for 2SLGBTQ+ people everywhere, but specifically for 2SLGBTQ+ people of faith. Worshiping with Love is a 2-year, Ontario-based project funded by Women and Gender Equality Canada. We will start by conducting research alongside 2SLGBTQ+ folks and affirming faith organizations to better understand the extent and impact of religious-based discrimination. We will examine both the best practices of affirming faith communities and barriers experienced by those trying to become affirming. The results of all our research will be published on our website, in our newsletter and on social media, and shared with everyone who has participated. We will develop resources and materials to both create awareness and increase organizations' capabilities to become affirming to the 2SLGBTQ+ community. The materials will be distributed online, for faith-based institutions such as places of worship and community organizations across Ontario.

Though RFF has a global mandate to end religious-based discrimination, this particular project is focused on Ontario, Canada and achieving inclusion and equality for 2SLGBTQ+ people in Ontario.